Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tombstone Tuesday -June 30, 2015- Henry Rehnen

Henry Rehnen

Henry Rehnen was the son of Ulrich Rehnen and Mary Ann Brink. He was born in July of 1849 in Fort Wayne.  He became a Mason, following in the foot steps of his father.  He married Susannah M Smith on June 20, 1872. The had 5 children; Katherine, Edward, Francis, Elnore and Rebecca. Francis died at the age of three in 1881.  Henry Rehnen died on June 28, 1913.  He was buried in the Catholic Cemetery in Fort Wayne.  

Susannah lived an additional 20 years. She was the mystery woman in many of our family photo. For years I tried to identify her.  Eventually I was able to contact her granddaughter, Susan Brown and she was able to identify her for me.  Susan is the woman in white and Oella Denney Smith was her sister-in-law. This photo had a notation on it that it was Oella and her sister, not sister-in-law! For years it was my Needle in a Haystack!

Happy Hunting,


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